Glute Workouts 101 with Aeroski

4 Best Glute Workouts to Do With Your Aeroski

4 Best Glute Workouts to Do With Your Aeroski

It’s no secret that Aeroski is an excellent full-body workout. You can easily use your Aeroski machine to work out your entire body during a single fitness session. Just because Aeroski is known for being great at exercising the upper body and lower body all at once doesn’t mean you can’t use it in other ways too. 

Variety is key to a successful at-home fitness routine. That’s why it’s essential to mix up your workout regimen by trying different kinds of exercises that target different areas of the body. Arm day and leg day aren’t just for the gym. You can also use your Aeroski at-home fitness machine to focus on key areas like your back, core or glutes. 

Start using your Aeroski in a new way by adding a glute workout to your regular at-home fitness routine. This is our roundup of 4 great glute workouts you can complete with Aeroski to get you started. 

Aeroski YouTube Glute WorkoutsAeroski YouTube Glute Workouts

A great place to find new workouts to try on your Aeroski, including glute workouts, is Aeroski’s YouTube channel. Video workouts can be an especially useful tool when you’re trying out a new routine for the first time. They allow you to follow along with an expert coach and see the movements being done as you try them yourself. 

Best of all, you can complete these glute workouts on your own time. Whether you want to fit in a work out before you leave for work or late at night, video workouts are always there. Here are a couple great choices for Aeroski glute workouts that you can access via YouTube:

  • Booty Burner” — Aeroski’s “Booty Burner” exercise routine led by Coach Jamie is an excellent option when you’re searching for glute workouts. In this 20 minute fitness session, you’ll start with a warm-up and then go through a variety of different movements on your Aeroski, including sprints, squats, active recovery, lateral leg raises and kickbacks. You’ll finish with a cool-down. After this intense exercise routine, you’re sure to feel the burn in your glutes. Find the video here to try it yourself.
  • Lower Body Power” — One of the best features of Aeroski workouts is that you can make a big impact on your fitness goals in a short amount of time. This “Lower Body Power” glute workout requires a time commitment of just 10 minutes, and is led by Coach Kristy. It begins with a quick warm-up, followed by periods of glute kickbacks, squats, leg raises, deadlifts, active recovery and squats. Check out the video here

Glute Workouts from the Aeroski AppGlute Workouts from the Aeroski App

Using the free Aeroski app is another convenient solution for finding glute workouts to try out with your Aeroski. Once you download the Aeroski app, you can customize routines yourself based on parameters like intensity level and session length. You can also find video workouts and prerecorded classes to stream at your convenience. 

There are Aeroski exercise routines to meet all of your fitness goals, whether you’re interested in focusing on the upper body, lower body or glutes. Here are some great options for glute workouts that you can find within Aeroski’s app:

  • “Lower Body Tone” — “Lower Body Tone” is one of the coach-led classes available on the Aeroski app. This intermediate workout led by Coach Andreina targets the glutes and hamstrings specifically. To excel at this glute workout, try to go through the movements slowly and in a controlled manner. This will help you build stamina and strength. This course is available in Spanish, making it a great choice for Spanish-speaking Aeroski users looking for glute workouts. 
  • “Lower Body Burn Out” — This is another great coach-led class you can find on your Aeroski app. It’s an advanced level glute workout taught by Coach Jamie. Some tips for making the most of this lower body workout include paying special attention to your form and focusing on doing your best to be explosive to get an especially intense workout in. 

Benefits of Glute WorkoutsBenefits of Glute Workouts

There are plenty of options for finding videos of glute workouts to try out on your Aeroski, whether you choose to search on YouTube or explore the Aeroski app. Try adding one or two of these glute workouts to your at-home fitness routine to start with. As you get used to the motions included in these fitness sessions that are designed to target the lower body and glutes, you can even come up with your own customized glute workouts. 

Glute workouts have many benefits that make them a valuable addition to your at-home fitness routine. By targeting this area of the body, you can make progress toward many exercise objectives that make devoting at least one day of your regular fitness program to glute workouts worthwhile. Here are some of the top benefits of glute workouts:

  • Help with Posture — You may have heard that core workouts are a great way to help improve your posture, but did you know that glute workouts can also make a big impact on posture? The glute muscles are stabilizers and are involved in supporting the body. When you strengthen them, you improve your ability to hold your body up and maintain optimal posture. 
  • Reduce Risk of Injury — Neglecting to pay attention to your glute muscles can put you at a greater risk of injury. The glutes play an important support role in the body and interact with many other key muscles. When you put in the effort to strengthen your glutes with Aeroski at-home fitness, you’ll lower the chance of sustaining injuries in a wide range of areas, including back, groin, hamstring and knee injuries. 
  • Decrease Back Pain — Weak glute muscles can not only increase your risk of suffering injuries, but also increase the chance that you’ll have to deal with pain. Back pain is one common ailment that can be improved through consistent glute workouts. These exercises can strengthen your hips and glutes, allowing them to more effectively support the lower back and reduce back pain
  • Improve Performance — If you’re interested in trying out a new kind of exercise that will have widespread benefits on your fitness efforts as a whole, glute workouts are a great choice. The glute muscles are a huge part of many movements that are essential to exercise and fitness in general, including speeding up, slowing down, switching direction and harnessing explosive power. Glute workouts will help strengthen your glute muscles, which can significantly improve your exercise performance

Try Glute Workouts with AeroskiTry Glute Workouts with Aeroski

There are many reasons to add glute workouts to your at-home fitness routine. Whether you’re interested in decreasing your chance of developing exercise-related injuries or want to strengthen your glutes to help improve your posture and reduce back pain, glute workouts can help. Aeroski makes getting started with glute workouts simple, so you can enjoy all of the incredible benefits of strengthened glute muscles. All you have to do is choose one of the YouTube or Aeroski app workouts listed above to try out and you’ll be on your way to developing strong glutes. 

Choose Aeroski today to make glute workouts a part of your regular at-home fitness program! 

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